Paper jammed in canon mp640 printer
Paper jammed in canon mp640 printer

paper jammed in canon mp640 printer

This can happen with a new Canon cartridge, that isn’t being read properly by the printer, but is more likely to appear when using a re manufactured Canon cartridge.


The Error Code U162 error means that the remaining ink in the cartridge is unknown. It is crucial to Fix Canon Printer Error Code U162 when an error occurs when the printer fails to detect inking level or printer assume that no ink in the cartridge. Hence, call on the toll-free number and get prompt help & support for further Canon printer queries. The proficient techies will get you the best possible troubleshooting instructions and swift solutions to fix Canon printer issues or errors. This number is a toll-free and available 24×7/365 day for your help. You can dial Canon Printer Helpline Phone Number anytime from anywhere and receive finest online assistance with the help of the talented and experienced Canon Customer support experts. Dial Canon Printer Helpline Number To Avail Online Help Take the Canon Printer Customer Support team for immediate help. If reset method does not work for you then you go for the new logic board replacement.

paper jammed in canon mp640 printer

Now try to do your work again and check the error still appear.

paper jammed in canon mp640 printer

Then close the inner cover and top cover, and then turn the printer off.After verifying the ink tank properly seated, you need to press down on each ink tank until a click is heard.Next, open the inner cover and then verify that ink tanks are properly seated.Then open the top cover and wait until the print head moves to the center.If this works you’re done, if not try the next step. Next, unplug the Canon printer’s power cord for 11-12 minutes, and then plug it back in.Then disconnect the data cable from the printer.Turn Off the power of the Canon printer with the “Power” button.Step to Fix Canon Printer 6700 Error Code 6500 Then follow the below mentioned to fix the issue in an easy and efficient manner. But the best suggestion you to, first of all, you can try to reset your printer. The PCI Bus error is detected by the ASCI. Well, the error code 6500 is a logic board error code. This error results from printer hardware failure & nothing much can the user do instead of replacing the malfunctioning hardware. Therefore, the Canon Printer 6700 Error Code 6500 refers to “other hardware error”. Many users have experienced the same error and easily solve out by applying the easy solutions, that provided by the Canon Printer Support team. Fix Canon Printer 6700 Error Code 6500 is not such a rocket science for printer users, even it can solve efficiently by just trying to some troubleshooting solutions. Or if you have tried switching off, and cleaning the print heads and do many things, but to no avail any conclusion? Then don’t worry about it. If your Canon printer 6700 is showing error code 6500.

Paper jammed in canon mp640 printer